12. November 2012


Ich war heute Morgen durch mein fehlendes Samstags-Clubgame natürlich extrem früh und wach beim Job. Auch mal wieder eine schöne Erfahrung an einem Montag. Trotzdem warte ich eigentlich schon wieder auf Freitag. Hmmm...evtl doch noch mal die Möglichkeit des Daygamens in Betracht ziehen.

Jedenfalls war meine Überraschung groß als ich heute Morgen in meinem Postfach eine E-mail meiner Argentinierin (CLUBGAME TEIL 9) vorfand. Nachdem meine letzte Mail an sie reichlich kurz und knapp ausgefallen war (und lange her ist) hatte ich nicht mehr mit einer Meldung von ihrer Seite gerechnet. Sie hatte mich ja in ihrer letzten Mail nach meinem filmreifen NICHT-Eskalieren (Berliner Deeskalationsteam) noch zu sich bzw in ihre Euro-Base nach Budapest eingeladen. Meine Antwort war damals:

Hey C…. !

My week was stressfull but good. Yes, i managed to get up : ) Sorry about that fast end, but i was suddenly very very tired.
Cool, that you start learning german again !!
Great to hear that your camera is clean again! ; )

Wow! Wien sounds great. So your Euro-Tour continues.

I would love to see you in Budapest, but i think my job keeps me buissy the next weeks. Maybe you want to visit me in Berlin for a second round : ) ?


Ich hatte, wie gesagt, auf so offensichtliches Nicht-Wirklich-Interesse von meiner Seite nicht mehr mit einer Mail von ihr gerechnet. Aber heute Morgen kam von ihr ein halber Roman:

Hey Elia, how are you doing?

So, I have been in Wien a few days, I loved it, and the food was excellent!!!
I went back to Budapest and then I went to Istanbul for a week. It was the best, that city is incredible, and now I don't know where to go because nothing will beat Istanbul I think. The first 2 nights I couldn't sleep because I couldn't believe I was in Constantinopla. In Argentina we have 200 years of history, so beeing in such old places it's amazing to me.

After Turkey I went back to Budapest and the next day I booked a bus tiket to Kraków in Poland, because I didn't want to spend a boring weekend there doing nothing, and it's very near. I just realized on 28th november I go back to Argentina, so I don't have much time to waste!! And because of the german clases I don't have much time to travel either.
So I have a last spot to travel one week, my family is telling me go to Prague and Munich, you have to! But my father said Prague was kind of an attraction park, very turistic, nice, but nothing is happening there, to visit one day and that's it. And Munich, I looked some hotels are crazy expensive! So I don't know what to do. Maybe Salzburg, I don't know..
I found a 33 euro plane tiket to Stockholm, but I don't know what to do there.

Kraków is very nice, I went to de Wieliczka Salt Mines, I had them as a wallpaper of my home computer for years, it was amazing to finally be there in person! You should do it sometime, if you haven't already. Europe is amazing, it is so strange for me going on a weekend to a different country, different language, food... Only 2 or 3 days and go back. The place I told you I always go on the mountains it's 1600 km from home so even to go an entire week it's not worth the trip. And you are still in the same country with the same stupid language and the same stupid people.

These days in Istanbul and here in Kraków it came to my mind a lot what you said about talking to someone on the street and why that is creepy and in a nightclub it's not. Maybe you have the impression it's dangerous people, they want to take money from you, or it's the first order your mother gives to you "don't ever talk to strangers". In Istambul turks are so strange, in a day they invited me 6 different guys to go out to dinner.. just by talking on the street or shops. Never happened to me before. There is something about turk hospitality, but I think they have the impression western girls are fast and they try if they get lucky and get laid. Anyway it was strange to me, althought they were very friendly. In Budapest the 2 months I stayed there only one hungarian drunk boy talked to me in a nightclub and was a lame pick up line, I said no thank you and he moved on to the next girl. They are strange to, the opposite of the turks I think!

Sorry this mail is long, but this time I really missed the talks we had, you have an interesting and intelligent perspective of things and it was really nice talking to you.

Oh, in turkey this 20 year old guy fell in love with me, he said I was the first one in his life. I feel so bad for him, I don't want to be the bitch in his life who never loved him back. But there's nothing I can do now. He worked in a restaurant I went to eat and he offered to take me to the hagia sophia, species bazar, grand bazar, galata tower, etc. the next day, because he wanted to practice his english (wich was very difficult to understand), so it would be a win-win situation. I didn't have anything to lose, he seemed a nice kid, smaller than me so if he was crazy I could defend myself, why not.. Poor guy he almost cried the day I left and he wanted to come to the airport with me. I feel so bad.

Soo not to bore you anymore... write me when you have the time!!

I bought a computer so that's why I can write comfortably now and don't have the crazy .con .com anymore... I think...



Tja. Lang und lustig finde ich. Besonders witzig finde ich natürlich die Geschichte mit dem Typen, der sie mit der langweiligen PickUp-Line versucht hat anzuquatschen. Wer würde denn bitte auf solche bescheuerten Ideen kommen?

Ansonsten fällt mir natürlich auf, dass sie abgesehen von der Frage, wo sie ihre letzten Tage in Europa verbringen soll eigentlich ausschließlich Geschichten erzählt von Typen, die sie versucht haben anzugraben oder Typen die sich in sie verliebt haben.
Was will sie mir damit sagen? Versucht sie sich damit zu qualifizieren, oder ist das eine Art Ego-Revenge weil ich bei unseren letzten beiden Dates nicht mehr versucht habe zu eskalieren bzw am Ende des letzten Abends deutlich Desinteresse zeigte?

Und was soll die ganze Mail überhaupt? Will sie sich verabschieden? Will sie mich in die Friend Zone packen? Will sie nochmal mein Interesse testen? Will sie ihr Interesse bekunden ( ...this time I really missed the talks we had... ) weil sie denkt ich hätte ihre Schüchternheit als Desinteresse gedeutet? Fragen über Fragen. Mal wieder spreche ich leider nicht „Frau“ und kann nur versuchen zu entschlüsseln was das Mitglied dieser Spezies mir sagen will und mir überlegen was ich antworte.

Da mir Wing2 heute, nachdem ich ihm von der Mail (nicht dem genauen Inhalt) erzählt hatte, riet doch mal neue Wege zu gehen und eventuell Frauen in Betracht zu ziehen, die nicht meinem üblichen Beuteschema entsprechen und da ich diese Aussage zu meiner Frauenauswahl in exakt dieser Form auch schon von einer sehr guten Freundin kenne, habe ich also beschlossen meiner Argentinierin zumindest das Angebot zu machen, noch mal einige Abende mehr neben mir zu liegen ohne geküsst zu werden.

Nein, ganz im Ernst: Auf der einen Seite bin ich mir zwar ziemlich sicher, die Dame bei unserem letzten Date (aus welchen Gründen auch immer) nicht mehr interessant gefunden zu haben, auf der anderen Seite kotze ich mich hier aber seit Monaten über Frauen, Einsamkeit und PickUp aus und habe daher beschlossen dass ich, sollte sie wirklich nochmal nach Berlin kommen wollen, dafür sorgen werde, dass mein verkorkstes Hirn die Fresse hält und mein beleidigter Schwanz endlich mal wieder die Bekanntschaft eines anderen Menschen macht und dann vielleicht auch mal wieder mit mir spricht.
Zu verlieren gibt es auf jeden Fall nichts.

Und deswegen ging auch vor wenigen Minuten folgende Mail an Madame raus:

Hey C...,

Its really great to hear from you.
Sorry, that i didnt wrote back right away this morning, but i was on a job, so i just had the time to quickly read some lines of your e-mail. Now i'm at home and just had dinner so i read all your funny adventures on your Euro-Tour so far. I loved the one with the six turkish guys asking you out on the street. Did you had dinner with at least one of them ?
And i also liked the story of the guy with the lame pick up line! What was it? "Are you often in this club?" or "Can i buy you a drink?" and were you able to hear, if he used the same line on the next girl? If you see him again, tell him they are both mine! I invented them, and he has no right to use them. : )

Oh, and by the way, your theory of us not beeing able to talk relaxed to strangers on the street because of our mothers allways told us not to do so.... brilliant !

Anyway, i hope you dont expect me to make the decision for you, in witch city you should spend your last days in europe (i thought you can stay till february...?), but i can tell you that i personally dont like munich. Its small, posh and very bavarian. Stockholm i have only been for some hours so i can not tell you anything about the city, but i liked all the swedish people i ever met in my life.
And if you are interested in a grey and rainy city, cold weather, dark days and long talks with a german guy, i would suggest you come to berlin. As i told you, you are allways welcome at my place. Scotch included.

Well, i had a long job today, so i will go to bed now.

Have a good night and keep me updated !


Tja, ich bin sehr gespannt, was da nun kommen mag. In diesem Fall fühlt es sich wirklich nach einem „Game“ an. Das ganze Geschreibsel hat mich aber vor allem jetzt ins Grübeln gebracht, ob ich der Autorin und der DJane vielleicht die Tage doch noch auf ihre Antworten antworten soll. Damit sie mir dann auf meine Antworten auf ihre Antworten antworten können....

...aaaah! Ich hasse Geschreibsel! NIE WIEDER E-MAIL CLOSES !


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